Tell Gov. DeSantis to LEAD NOW to Pass Heartbeat Bill
GOV. DESANTIS, WILL YOU LEAD? Heartbeat Bill architect Janet Porter called on Gov. Ron DeSantis to take the lead in passing the Heartbeat Bill in the upcoming session of the Florida legislature. The bill protects unborn children from abortion once their beating hearts are detectable--about six weeks gestation.
Gov. Ron DeSantis needs to hear from the pro-life community. Here is why . . .
In December, our good friend Chuck Tiedje asked Gov. Ron DeSantis at a press briefing if he would "take the lead" in urging Florida lawmakers to pass the lifesaving Heartbeat Bill. The governor sidestepped the question, saying he was "willing to sign great pro-life legislation." That's great, but why is he waiting for the legislature to act? Where's the leadership? On Feb. 1, a reporter asked DeSantis if he would sign a bill protecting infants at six-weeks when their heart is already beating. The governor replied: “We’re for pro-life. I urge the legislature to work, produce good stuff, and we will sign.” That's great . . . we're very grateful. But why isn't the governor out in front on this? Why isn't he publicly calling on the legislature to put a Heartbeat Bill on his desk in the upcoming session starting March 7? That's the question Heartbeat Bill architect Janet Porter raised in the clip above from our rally. Porter, the founder and president of Faith2Action, said the governor has been an outspoken and powerful leader on liberty issues. But, she asks in the clip above, will he lead on life? You and I need to call or email the governor and urge him to LEAD NOW! Take Action by contacting the governor and other elected individuals listed at right. Your voice matters. Together, let's impress upon the governor and Florida lawmakers the URGENT importance of passing the Heartbeat Bill this session! |